Do you believe your house’s layout might be suitable for an open concept conversion? Sacrificing a few of your residence’s walls—and rooms—might be a good idea … or not!
This decision comes with its own set of pros and cons that you will have to live with. Read on to make an informed choice that reflects your needs and expectations.
PRO or CON: Storage
By eliminating some walls, you are also reducing your storage options. There will be fewer walls against which to place dressers and bookcases. So plan your space accordingly. You could get rid of some of your possessions to overcome this potential issue or build innovative storage solutions, such as a mezzanine.
PRO or CON: Natural Light
Hard to be against natural light! Open concept layouts are usually brighter since there are fewer walls to stop the sunlight. However, some daytime activities may be disturbed by the sun’s glare, such as working in front of a computer screen or napping. But how big of an issue is this, really? After all, isn’t this the reason humans invented curtains in the first place!
PRO or CON: The Decor
If you’re an art lover or simply enjoy displaying your youngest child’s drawings, don’t forget that these masterpieces will suddenly be competing with your windows and coat hooks! Moreover, there is doubly less wall space when an interior wall is removed. In addition to this, it is imperative that you choose a harmonious and coherent style when decorating an open concept room. Creating visually distinct zones throughout the space is a definite no-no. Think about it.
PRO or CON: Privacy
Open spaces mean a more open lifestyle whether the occupants like it or not. If you don’t mind such closeness right now, remember that your children will soon be teenagers. Their needs will change … and so will yours! On the one hand, walking straight out of the shower from the bathroom to the bedroom may suddenly seem inappropriate in an open concept layout. On the other hand, taking down walls becomes necessary when the cook doesn’t want to be stuck alone in the kitchen while the family is in the living room. Think twice!
PRO or CON: Cleaning
Having a multi-room floor plan means there is always a room in which you can hide away all your extra stuff behind a closed door (out of sight, out of mind!). Open concept spaces do not offer this option. So before you tear down walls, make sure you are comfortable with giving up this little luxury that helps you appear so organized in front of your guests!
If you are seriously considering this type of renovation, it’s because your heart and budget agree. That’s great since, real estate-wise, an open concept conversion can increase your home’s value. In fact, this trend is as popular as ever despite the passing years. Open concept residences are perfect for small families—and there are more and more of them—and their brightness and contemporary look are what most house buyers are looking for.
If you are still hesitating, don’t worry. You can always redivide the space or rebuild walls in your open concept home if you want in a few years. It’s surprisingly easy, especially when compared to what it took to demolish them in the first place!
One last piece of advice: before you go ahead with this project, consult a professional contractor. Support walls cannot be entirely removed. You will have to leave the beams that hold up the upper storey or the roof. Learn how to identify them… and how to live with them as they are indispensable and probably can’t be moved.
Think it over carefully!